Peluang Bisnis
Feng Shui Consulting Indonesia bertujuan untuk menjadi pionir industri konsultasi Feng Shui dan menciptakan portal Geomansi yang terbesar dan terpercaya.
Kami menerima pihak-pihak yang tertarik ingin bekerja sama dengan kami seperti:
- Pengembang properti (developer), broker properti, arsitek, kontraktor, desainer interior dan pihak lain dalam industri properti yang memiliki ide kerja sama yang menarik
- Pihak-pihak terkait berkenaan dengan e-commerce, iklan, kerja sama portal, dan lisensi konten.
- Pihak-pihak lain yang memiliki ide kerja sama / proposal bisnis yang menarik, berkaitan dengan layanan konsultasi Feng Shui, Analisis BaZi, Pemilihan Hari Baik, dan lain-lain.
Silahkan hubungi kami pada jam kerja untuk keterangan lebih lanjut
Phone: 08121371548, 0811177661
Atau email ke: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Business Opportunity
Feng Shui Consulting Indonesia aims to be the Feng Shui Consultation industry pioneer and creating the largest and most authoritative Geomancy portal.
We would like to welcome those who are interested in working with us, such as:
- Developer, property realtor, architect, contractor, interior designer, and others involved in property industry who has interesting co-business ideas.
- Regards to e-commerce, advertising, portal alliances and content licensing.
- Others who have interesting co-business ideas/business proposal related to Feng Shui Consultation Services, BaZi Analysis, Good Date Selection, etc
Feel free to contact us at office hour for enquiry
Phone: 08121371548, 0811177661
Or email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.